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TNP Blog

Choosing Between Good & Evil: Going Green or Green Washing?

“Green washing” is a pejorative term used to describe spurious attempts some companies make to claim themselves as “green” when they really aren’t. If you look closely enough, plenty of companies use various ways to ‘greenwash’. It might have short

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How to Choose the Best Email Security Solutions

Email is one thing your business can’t do without and with increasing dependence on Email comes the proportionately increased risk of email security. One lapse within your email security and your entire business information flow lies bare, open and

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4 Strong Reasons Why You Should Monitor Your Network

If you have IT infrastructure up and working for you, it’s evident that you’ll have to manage it well. For some, it’s all about compliance and mandates but for most others it’s for a lot of reasons like reliability, security and smooth business

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Cloud Archiving: How It Helps Businesses?

Could you guess as to what might be one of the greatest challenges for growing data centers – especially regarding the hardware and infrastructure challenges? According to a Gartner survey, data growth is the single biggest challenge growing

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Endpoint Security Software: How to Deal with Increasing IT Security Costs?

Look at any company in business today and they have an ongoing song about reducing IT costs but retain effective measures for IT security. IT is always plagued with the challenges to implement overall security for computers, applications and

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6 Lessons On Data Loss Prevention You Should Pay Heed To

Most technological concepts – especially with respect to IT -- leave you with your expectations crushed and usually fail to keep up to the hype and the sheer excitement levels we usually see with the launch of new technology. Beyond the marketing

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How to Identify, Analyze, Remediate or Circumvent Network Attacks

The IT computing scenario changes faster than ever with expanding infrastructure, evolving technology, and converged communication throughout the world. With that comes the rapidly growing complex network attack environment. The more this
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Thin Provisioning: What Is it?

The complexity of managing IT networks and rising costs push almost all companies into the “lean zone”. For a decade now, businesses have been relentlessly striving to bring control over expenditure towards running, operating and maintaining

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10 GbE is for All Businesses: Making the case for High Performing Networks

Modern networks are hungry ogres that demand high speeds, capacities, and efficiency to cater to ever-growing demands businesses make on IT networks. Our last post was an introduction to 10 GbE (10 Gigabit Ethernet) which is a likely solution, just

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10 Gigabit Ethernet: Is It a Promising Gift for Your Network?

Put your finger on any company today and chances are that they have an insatiable demand for bandwidth. Data-intensive applications like video production and hosting, managed services, VoIP, Streaming media, etc, are adding to the burdened backs of

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