Modern networks are hungry ogres that demand high speeds, capacities, and efficiency to cater to ever-growing demands businesses make on IT networks. Our last post was an introduction to 10 GbE (10 Gigabit Ethernet) which is a likely solution, just in time. Given enough time, 10GbE looks like the kind of technology that might be the only savior when it comes to network up gradation, enhanced network performance and efficiency.
Is 10GbE just for the big businesses with huge data centres? What are the apparent advantages?
10 GbE has many things going for it – business critical applications swear by high-performance network connections such as the 10 Gigabit Internet. Here are some of the cases where you’d wonder why this technology didn’t show up before:
- Pick up any small or large organization with a group of desktop users huddled together and you’d noticed that the demands on their incumbent network. These demands are only growing exponentially with larger workloads handled, intense business applications– all of which require incredibly high computing power. ‘
- Integrated streaming media is an inherent part of corporate communications today. Added to that we have VoIP, IP voice telephony, video hosting and related applications. None of these go easy on the bandwidths required for a smooth operation. We aren’t even talking about collaboration requirements many companies have today, VPN (Virtual Private Networks), use of media-rich applications, mobile extensions for corporate connectivity, etc.
- If you plumb in deeper, across verticals and industry specific applications, network usage takes a different route altogether.
- Consider airline management and controls. Could you image the continuous use and processing of data off the control towers of any given airport? The airline ticketing systems, database servers, the staff and client management systems just go on to add to the weight networks have in smooth operations of the airline Industry.
- Think about the healthcare industry – the XRays, CAT scans,MRIs and all the random data about patients and their particulars, computer operated medical scanners and other equipment.
Those are just two verticals. There are a lot of industries we didn’t cover and we didn’t really touch on all the advantages 10GbE has for us.
What do you think?