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Beware of what you save in web browsers

Passwords are a double-edged sword. If you make them too simple, they’ll be easy to guess; if you make them too complex, they’ll be impossible to remember. One solution is to create an uncrackable password and save it to your browser. Unfortunately,

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Phishing alert: scammers now use encryption

When you visit an encrypted website, the connection between the source of the web page and your browser is secure. Encryption ensures users’ browsing habits are safe from hackers’ prying eyes, but phishing scammers have found a way to adopt it for

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VPNs: Why you need them

Installing powerful antivirus software and setting strong passwords are no longer considered the bare minimum in cybersecurity. With hackers, government agencies, and ISPs constantly monitoring networks and your online habits, hopping onto a Virtual

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Google releases year-long security study

Your passwords are the gateway to your files, money, and identity, so it’s no surprise that hackers are constantly trying to steal them. Most cybercriminals will use malware to do the trick, but they also have other means at their disposal. Google’s

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Hackers KRACK WiFi security

For ages, most people assumed that setting a strong password on their WiFi router was enough to prevent cyberattacks, but recent events prove otherwise. Two Belgian security analysts have found a serious weakness in WiFi networks, called KRACK, that

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Your passwords are not secure

A password policy designed for federal agencies must be secure, right? Surprisingly, that hasn’t been the case according to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). On the hook for the password best practices that we still use

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Equifax sheds light on incident response

What would you do right now if you discover that your business’s database is hacked and a huge number of your customers’ data gets leaked? Speechless, with dismay, but you need to act, decently. In this case, it helps to have a good incident

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Office 365 users face new phishing scam

With the popularity of Office 365, hackers are trying to find new ways to exploit its users, and they’ve come up with a new idea: a credential-harvesting campaign that uses personalized spear-phishing mails as a tool. If you’re an Office 365 user

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Locky-type ransomware is attacking systems

A new, Locky-type ransomware is currently infecting tens of thousands of computers worldwide. It uses the same code from the 2016 version to encrypt users’ files and it looks poised to cause another massive cyber emergency. Here’s everything we know

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It’s time to redefine the word “hacker”

What do you call someone who hunts for security gaps in computer hardware and software? A hacker, right? What about someone who takes their findings to vendors to help them improve the quality of their products? There is more than one type of

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