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5 Devastating Mistakes Companies Make Before Moving To the Cloud

Learning from mistakes is good and is often appreciated; trouble sprouts up only when any of these mistakes you do costs a bomb or can literally derail your company. Many companies find the need to move to a cloud by adopting a cloud-based service, take to cloud networking, or find a home for an application on the cloud. But here are at least five devastating mistakes most companies make before moving to the cloud:

Pinching costs could pinch you: Looking to pinch costs over quality of service is often one if the most common mistakes most enterprises make. For a quality cloud computing solution, you will need your vendors to be available for you 24/7 and hand-hold you through many of the issues you might encounter while using your cloud-based services – none of which can come with costs compromised. When you pay more, you get all of the above along with special services such as shipping your data through physical mediums when needed, training and help round the clock and enhanced security.

Not verifying your Cloud-based service Provider: Security, as mentioned above, is paramount and not checking to see if potential service provider has an outstanding and impressive security system for their network is one of the other mistakes most companies do. According to i365[1] – a newly formed corporate entity of Seagate Technologies -- some of the stringent requirements of such a security systems would be data encryption, restricted access to data, document control, protection of data while being transmitted through the Internet, storage security and much more.

Lack of Back-up and Recovery plans: Cloud-based services necessarily entail a part or whole of your data being moved to a cloud-based service provider. When your data finds its way out this way, all of that data must be backed-up or at least data recovery strategies should be geared up. Most companies don’t even think about it until disaster happens. You data and applications must be protected while you have a disaster recovery plan in place. It will also help to know if your service provider also has back-up and recovery systems deployed. We make sure that everything about our services and prices are out on the table with regards to our own Professional Back-up and Disaster Recovery Services.

Not seeing through before signing on dotted lines: One of the most common mistakes most companies do is to not make things clear – in writing – about the actual costs incurred with one or all of the cloud-based computing services.  Often, there are hidden costs that add up quickly. Ideally, a cloud-based storage provider should have a way to allow you to pay equivalent to the extent of services used up such as storage capacity, bandwidth, reduplication, security, etc. You must look out for maintenance charges, data access charges, and other fees such as connecting fees.

Ignoring the task of managing the cloud: The reason why Cloud Computing is popular is because of the flexibility in usage of the cloud-based services while bringing the costs down for companies. However, most companies ignore the task of “monitoring” and “analyzing” usage of the cloud-based services they subscribed to. Adopt a process and make a plan to use cloud technologies as efficiently as possible, monitor & analyze your usage regularly to make prudent operational decisions – all of which should lead to cutting costs down further while improving your efficiency lead to a direct boost in profits.


[1] I365 – A Seagate company

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