For all the data that is created, there has to be a way to store it in such a way that managers can pull out, retrieve, restore or even purge this data whenever needed. Efficient storage solutions are the need of the hour since the the rate at which data is created, consumed, stored and managed is growing at a phenomenal rate. Since storage solutions are usually a huge IT management concern, here are a few tips for efficient storage management:
Primary Deduplication is in
Deduplication -- along with techniques like compression - is one of the more popular storage capacity optimization techniques which is best at reducing the number of backups a company has to take. Increasingly, however, the trend has been to switch to primary storage since there are many things to watch out for when considering primary deduplication.
Less is better
Agreed that growing businesses will have more and more data to store and manage. An increase in data volumes is usually the surefire recipe to disaster though. Simple as it might sound, one of the best way to manage storage of data is to reduce the amount of data you create, process and store. Of course, your businesses can always use data deduplication, data compression, thin provisioning, and many other technologies alternatively.
Do you use storage tiers?
Dynamic Storage Tiers (DST) is an increasingly popular technique to manage storage that you can use for your business. With a plethora of products to choose from catering to this technology, you are fast running out of excuses on why might not be able to store and manage your data better. DST is a popular way to deploy an efficient storage management solution without plunging deep into your pockets since DST is one of the more economical solutions available.
Storage management isn’t easy with these technologies put together but a non-virtualized environment is just as difficult to manage. With efficient storage planning and by using the above mentioned technologies, storage management doesn’t really have to give you sleepless nights.
If you think you need help, you can always contact us. We specialize in various solutions starting from networking all the way up to building custom virtual environments, data management & planning, disaster management, backups, recovery of data, thin provisioning, etc.