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3 Baseless Things Businesses Obsess About, But Shouldn’t

Written by The Network Pro | Jan 31, 2013 3:14:19 PM

Focus is a simple word. As individuals, it’s somewhat easier to focus on things we want to. As businesses, however, it just gets more complicated that it should be. Obviously, there are a lot more people involved when businesses take shape. Plus, the external forces act way too strong on businesses to remain in a Zen like, nonchalant state. Unfortunately many businesses focus on aspects of running businesses that don’t make sense for them to focus on in the first place. Here are some of them and also why your focus is wasted here:

Social Business Software: The Yammers and Facebook Craze is a gargantuan social media network. For businesses, it provides for a great way to engage with “fans”, allows others to interact with your brand, spread the word, and even allow you to advertise directly. But that’s where the rule of Facebook should end. Unfortunately, it doesn’t. Businesses then look to invest in internal collaboration tools such as Salesforce Chatter, Yammer or one of the many other alternatives for social business software. According to a CIO feature that reveals Gartner’s research on Social Business Software, social business software has largely been unsuccessful for now.

We aren’t saying that internal or enterprise social collaboration isn’t worth it. All we are saying is that it’s fancy and businesses with tight purse strings don’t need “Facebook-like chat” to collaborate. Many collaboration tools already come with such features.

BYOD and IT Security

Technology carries some baggage with it – almost everything comes with baggage, doesn’t it? BYOD is sure to set worries in companies aflutter. It’s bound to create IT headaches and administrative hassles. All that’s true as long as you resist. As mentioned before, in an earlier post, vendors do their best to keep data security on third-party applications, mobile apps, and web-based tools. They also have enterprise security features, if needed. BYOD is a trend that’s sure to sweep the corporate world. Resistance causes more harm than adapting to it will.

Network Upgrades (and unwillingness to contract consultants)

The only thing that justifies an upgrade of any sort is a sure return on such investments. Network upgrades are a mammoth affair to begin with. It costs a substantial amount of money, time, effort, and subversion of resources. On top of that, most businesses decide to employ their in-house IT staff to do such work. The scale of work that goes into network upgrades is just out of bounds for the already overloaded IT staff.

This is resistive fuss that businesses shouldn’t be doing at all. For one, network upgrades should happen when your present network is unable to handle workloads or when you anticipate justifiable loads on present network. When you do decide to upgrade, let network consultants or IT consultants handle the upgrade with the IT staff playing the supervisory role.

That’s just smart business. We are sure you’d have thought about it. If you need our help with your IT Security management and Network upgrades, please do let us know and we’ll be glad to help you out.